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Drainage Services & Maintenance

February 2025

To clarify the position of the LCPOA for Road Drainage and related maintenance within the community roadways, the policies below are being published to provide clear direction in the area of roles and responsibilities between the LCPOA and individual members.

Drainage Pipes - Underneath Community Members Driveways:

If a pipe currently exists underneath a driveway, it is the responsibility of the homeowner to maintain it and ensure the free flow of water through that pipe.

If damage to a driveway occurs due to failing to maintain the pipe, it is the homeowner's responsibility to repair the damage. If damage to a drainage pipe occurs due to other conditions that are not related to lack of maintenance, the homeowner should contact the LCPOA so it can be evaluated.

If you don't currently have a drainage pipe under your driveway, but believe that you require one, please contact the Clubhouse and provide your name and address. The LCPOA will determine if any action is required.

Be aware that if you, as a property owner, make changes to the contour of your driveway and in turn create a drainage problem that did not exist prior to the changes, you will be responsible for installing and maintaining a drainage pipe. Residents should also take into consideration the effects of neighboring driveways when making any type of modification to their own driveway. If this type of situation should arise, the issue is something that should be worked out between the affected property owners. The LCPOA will not get involved unless something is done that affects common community property.

Drainage Pipes - Underneath Community Roadways:

Pipes that are used primarily for providing drainage across community roadways are the responsibility of the LCPOA. Most of these pipes are found at intersections and funnel the flow of water from one side of the road to the other. These pipes also direct the water into natural swales, and away from homes. If you believe an intersection would benefit from having a pipe installed beneath the roadway, please contact the LCPOA office. Reports of existing pipes that have problems (blocked, collapsed, requiring grates, etc.) can also be reported to the office. Any information is greatly appreciated. It is easier for the Board to identify and rectify any problems when we receive input from the membership, rather than scouting all ten-plus miles of roads during a storm and trying to find all the problem areas.

Rip Rap / Swales:

Rip Rap is commonly placed in the swales to reduce the flow of water in areas where the land grade is steep. It reduces the amount of erosion that can occur during heavy rainfall. Rip Rap is typically put in swales that are present between a homeowner's lawn (or wooded lot) and the roadway. In some cases, the use of Rip Rap alone will solve a water problem, especially in areas where the grade is not significant. Other areas that a Rip Rap may be required are both in front and at the back of drainage pipes.

If you believe that an area near your home or lot could benefit by putting down Rip Rap, again, please contact the office and provide your name and the location, and our Board will investigate the area and determine the best course of action.

Maintaining Rip Rap / Swales is the responsibility of the homeowner. This includes such tasks as cutting the grass and removing debris, such as leaves, branches, or litter found in the swales. If a swale fails for any reason, other than it not being properly maintained, please contact the LCPOA office so it can be inspected. The LCPOA will take action to address any issues that are not due to lack of maintenance.

Roads Map

Barry Lakes manages and maintains 13 miles of roads throughout the community.

Barry Lakes road map

Acorn Drive [B2, B3]
Amisa Court [B5, A5]
Aspen Wood Drive [B3]
Bantry Court [A6]
Barry Drive North [B2 thru B7]
Barry Drive South [B1, B2]
Beech Tree Drive [B2, B3]
Bentwood Road [A6, B6]
Blue Heron Terrace [B5, A5]
Callan Court [A7]
Cardinal Road [B5, C5]
Cedar Tree Drive [C2, B2 thru B5]
Cherry Tree Lane [B1]
Chestnut Tree lane [B6, B7, C7]
Cold Spring Drive [C6, C7]
Curving Hill Drive [C6, C5, C4]
Deer Lane [B6]
Doe Run [B5, C5]
East Lakeshore Drive [A2, B3]
Elm Tree Road [B6, C6]
Emerald Drive [B4, B5, C5]
Erin Lane [B6]
Esther Drive [A6, B6, B7]
Fawn Road [B3]
Fern Lane [A6]
Finch Road [B4]
Forest Drive [B1, B2]
Fountainhead Drive [C4, C5]
Gail's Court [A5]
Glen Road [B3]
Hemlock Triangle [C6]
Hickory Drive [B7, C7, D7, D6, C6]
High Ridge Drive [B1, B2]
Hubert Road [C5]
Hummingbird Trail [B5, A5]
Jay Road [B4, C4]
Joan Lane [B6]
Jordan Drive [C6, C5]
Juniper Road [C6, D6, D7]
Karen Road [B7, A7]
King's Court [A6]
Laurel Drive [B2, B3, C3]
Lawrence Drive [C5, C6, C7]
Lee Drive [B6, C6, C7]
Lisa Drive [A6, A7]
Marion Drive [C6, D5]
Oak Court [B1]
Olde Tavern Drive [B3, B4]
Pine Terrace [B2]
Pond Drive [B2]
Post Hill Drive [C6, C7]
Quail Court [A5]
Red Oak Road [B2]
Ridge View Court [B1]
Rippling Brook Drive [B5, B6]
Robin Hood Lane [B2]
Rustic Road [B4, C4]
Shady Lane [C5]
Silver Birch Lane [C3]
Spruce Court [B3]
Tanglewood Drive [A6, A7]
Tralee Place [A7]
Tullow Drive [A6]
Wagon Wheel Road [B5, C5]
Wawayanda Road [B1, B2, C2]
Whipporwill Court [A5]